
Travelling to our lake house soon

Meidän jälkikasvulla on tämä viikko hiihtolomaa
ja ajatuksena olisi matkustaa neidin kanssa mökkeilemään.
Mieheni ei tosin pysty ottamaan tällä viikolla lomaa töistä kiireiden vuoksi,
joten lähdemme keskiviikkona kaksistaan junalla Keski-Suomeen.
Our daughter has this so called Ski Break from school
and we two are planning to travel to our lake house for a couple of days.
Since my husband if very busy this week and cannot travel with us
we decided to go by train to Central Finland on Wednesday.

Otin nämä kuvat, kun olimme mökillä muutama viikko takaperin.
Taivas oli niin upeanvärinen auringon laskiessa.
I took this photos when at our lake house couple of weeks ago.
The sky was so gorgeous when the sun was setting.

Olin vain reilun tunnin ulkona, kun aurinko oli jo laskenut ja kuu noussut
taivaalle. Myös sauna oli lämminnyt ja odotti meitä saunojia.
Enkä kyllä tiedä parempaa saunaa kuin tuo isäni rakentama puusauna.
Siellä kun istut saunan lauteilla, niin ei voi olo autuaammaksi tulla.
Ja kaikki murheet kyllä katoavat suhisevien löylyjen mukana taivaan tuuliin.
Vähän tekisi mieli jo olla tuolla...
I only spent about an hour outdoors and when I got back the sun had set and
the moon was rising. Also our little sauna by the lake was ready and waiting for us.
There is no better sauna than this sauna my father has built.
When you sit in the steaming sauna you feel so blessed.
And all your sorrows disappear when you throw water on those steaming sauna rocks
and sweat like crazy sitting on the sauna benches.
Already wishing I was there...

8 kommenttia:

Pia / Kotini ja maisemani kirjoitti...

Ihanat, talviset luontokuvat <3 Mukavaa mökkilomaa :)

Sari kirjoitti...

Kiitos Pia. Noissa maisemissa on aina niin hyvä olla :-) Joten kiva on taas mennä möksälle muutamaksi päiväksi akkuja lataamaan, vaikka harmittaakin vähän, ettei koko perheellä päästä mökkeilemään.

Anonyymi kirjoitti...

It looks so beautiful there by the lake. I can understand why you love to go there, and I hope you have a wonderful time this week.


Sari kirjoitti...

Hi Linda. Our lake house is the most special place for me. I especially value it since my parents have built the sauna and the main building themselves using logs that they sawed using trees that are from their own, heavily wooded plot.

That is true craftmanship that not so many people have these days.
My parents used to work for a big finnish company that used wood in their main products and my father has always had great love towards forests and different types of wood.

Oh well this turned into a story but this is one more thing that makes me love that place even more.

Have a nice day!

Anonyymi kirjoitti...

Hi Sari, I so enjoyed hearing about the history of this beautiful place by the lake. It means so much that your parents did all of this work to create such a wonderful, peaceful place. Sometime I would enjoy seeing some photos of the interior of the house.


Sari kirjoitti...

Linda I will post some photos of our lake house interior at some point too. You can see some images at my Instagram account already :-)

Have a nice day!

Anonyymi kirjoitti...

I looked at the photos on Instagram, and like what I saw. Very fresh and cozy!


Sari kirjoitti...

Thank you Linda :-) I've tried to decorate our lake house with a bit more relaxed style :-)