

Se olisi taas kohta laskiaissunnuntai.
Ja sehän tietää reipasta ulkoilua ja hurjaa mäenlaskua
(niin jos vaan on tarpeeksi lunta vielä sunnuntaina).
On Sunday we celebrate "laskiainen" here in Finland.
And that means spending time outdoors and crazy sledding down the snowy hills.
(if we just have enough snow here on Sunday).

Leivoin sunnuntaita ajatellen vähän pullaa
ja laskiaisenahan on saatava
tietty laskiaispullia.
Me tykätään ihan tästä perinteisestä mallista.
Eli paljon kermavaahtoa ja vadelmahilloa väliin.

Nutellaa meinasin kokeilla laittaa pullan väliin,
mutta ei sittenkään, ei se ole mun juttu.
I also baked some finnish buns (pulla)

and especially during laskiainen
we like to eat our pulla like this.
Lots of whipped cream and
some raspberry jam inside.

Almost tried Nutella this time instead
of raspberry jam, but no it's just not my thing.

4 kommenttia:

Anonyymi kirjoitti...

Wow, I wish I were there to taste one of these!! They look delicious!

What is the holiday celebrating?


Sari kirjoitti...

Thanks Linda. They are so good, you should make these too.

Laskiaissunnuntai (Sunday) and laskiaistiistai (Tuesday) are days (especially Sunday) when we Finns head outdoors sledding, don't exactly know the history to all this. They also have all these festivities many at many places on Sunday where you can do some sledding, horseback riding, have some hot cocoa and some buns and bar-be-que sausages etc.

I tried to find out from wikipedia the ancient meaning of laskiainen and it is said that they celebrated this "laskiainen" in old times seven weeks before easter and it was time without meat and time of "carne vale" in catholic world.

But here in Finland it's nowadays just pure fun - eating sweet finnish pulla = buns like those in these photos and also lots of sledding, if you get lucky and have snow :-)

Anonyymi kirjoitti...

I see, it would be like the beginning of Lent and like the big celebration of Mardi Gras here in the United States. A fun time for you.


Sari kirjoitti...

Yes something like that - but fun time with outdoor activities :-)