Jostain syystä olen vaihdellut eteisen ilmettä viime aikoina aika tiuhaan.
Vein vaatekaapin vierestä kirjahyllyn kirpparille ja tilalle tuli tuoli ja "taidetta".
Tuo pieni maalausmainen työ on itse asiassa ottamani valokuva,
jonka olen printannut puulle.
Maalasin myös keittiön puolelle yltävän
kapean seinän vaaleanpunaisella kalkkimaalilla.
kapean seinän vaaleanpunaisella kalkkimaalilla.
For some reason I've changed the look of our hallway a lot lately.
I took a bookcase (that was against the wardrope) to local flea market
and replaced it with some "art" and a wicker chair.
That little painting looking work is actually a photo I've printed on wood.
Also painted that narrow wall reaching partly to our kitchen
with pink chalk paint.
Ripustin tuohon vaatekaapin seinään pari pussukkaa,
jotka olen ostanut joskus kirpparilta.
I also hanged couple of little cloud baskets
to the wall. Bought them from flea market.
House Doctorin maljakko on mun ehdoton suosikki.
Tässä kuvassa roikkui vielä pari koristetta lehtikuusen oksasta,
mutta itse asiassa vaihdoin maljakkoon juuri kirsikan oksia :-)
Tässä kuvassa roikkui vielä pari koristetta lehtikuusen oksasta,
mutta itse asiassa vaihdoin maljakkoon juuri kirsikan oksia :-)
Voitin tuon vuosikalenterin Design Sarandian arvonnasta joku aika sitten.
Eikö ole kiva!
House Doctor vase is my absolute favorite.
Diamond shaped ornaments hang from the branches yesterday
but today they switched into cherry tree branches.
Diamond shaped ornaments hang from the branches yesterday
but today they switched into cherry tree branches.
Won that pretty calendar from Design Sarandia's giveaway some time ago.
Isn't it lovely!
Mukavaa viikonloppua kaikille!
Have a nice weekend you all!
6 kommenttia:
Upealta näyttää ja tuo maljakko on kieltämättä tyylikäs.
Kiitos paljon. Näin tuon maljakon kerran yksissä sisustuskuvauksissa ollessani ja sen jälkeen se alkoi niin kaihertamaan mieltä, että oli pakko tilata itsellekin samanlainen :-)
Mukavaa viikonloppua!
There are several things I love about the way you have redecorated your hallway. Love the photo on wood, the branches in that brass vase, and OOOOHH how I love that long-haired sheep skin!!
In about one month we will move to a bigger place, and I enjoy getting some inspiration for what I hope will be a living room with a Scandinavian flair. Thanks for helping me.
Hi Linda. Nice to hear that you liked the photo on the wood. I've started to think I could make more of those actually.
Long-haired sheep skins are very popular here in Finland. Now that I start to think they were that common to use like this in U.S.
I am looking forward to hear about your new home. Maybe you could send me an email and show some photos?
Have a wonderful day!
I will be happy to share some photos after we move in and are settled. In the meantime, there is lots to be done to make it ours!
I have sheepskin, but have not seen the long haired ones here.
Hi Linda. Oh it would be nice to see some images of your new home. When you are all settled there please send me some photos through email :-) Are you moving to another city or are you going to stay at the same area? What made you decide to move?
We have also been looking for a new place to live but haven't found anything special so far. So we are planning to stay here at least couple of more years I think. My husband just has quite a long drive (1,5 hours) drive to his new workplace so that is why we are thinking about this.
We didn't have any sheepskins at our home when living in Texas but had one cowhide though at our formal living... ;-)
Have a wonderful day!
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