Ostin nämä tulppaanit Turun Piha- ja puutarhamessuilta ja ne edelleen kukkivat näin komeina.
I bought these tulips from the Turku Yard and Garden Fair and they are still gorgeous.
Tulppaanit tulivat mukuloineen ja ajattelin istuttaa ne kukkapenkkiin.
Tulips came with the bulbs and will go to flower bed later this Spring.
Ihania lämpölukemia ja aurinkoa ovat luvanneet säätiedotteissa loppuviikoksi.
Miten mukavaa - nautitaan siitä!
The forecast for the rest of the week promised more sun and warm weather.
How nice is that - let's enjoy!
It is so nice to see that the tulips come with bulbs attached. Here, we buy them already cut, but I like the idea of being able to plant them. Also, I very much like the Mason jar that appears to be square in shape.
VastaaPoistaThank you for the lovely post!
Hi Linda. I haven't seen this kind of tulips before either so I just had to buy them. And they only cost 50cents a piece, so not bad. Have a wonderful weekend!
VastaaPoistaSari, Did you buy the jar there in Finland? I have not seen any like that here.