
Planting time

Olen ollut niin intona, kun hoksasin, että ulkona on jo niin ihanan lämmin,
että voin mennä ulos tekemään ruukkuistutuksia. 

I have been so happy when realizing that it's actually so warm that
I can go outside and do some pot planting.

Istuttelin helmililjoja ja muita kukkasia mm. vanhoihin ja kulahtaneisiin saviruukkuihin.
Jotka on muuten just parhaita!

I planted some grape hyacinths and other flowers into e.g. some old clay pots.
Which are actually the best!

Ja nämä pikarililjat - oijoi kun ne ovat kauniita! 

And these fritillarias - oh they are so pretty!

2 kommenttia:

  1. Very nice, Sari! We made a trip to the nursery yesterday and came home with some things to plant in pots and in the garden. Always love a visit to a good nursery at this time of year.


  2. Oh me too Linda. And here in Finland they have these Yard and Spring Fairs in the biggest cities usually in April and I just love to visit some of them. Have a nice Sunday!
